Empowerment Requires Encouragement

Empowerment Requires Encouragement  - http://www.awakeat2oclock.com Avatar Posted by cbrendlinger under Management
From http://www.awakeat2oclock.com 3770 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on March 9, 2014 6:23 am
Sometimes employee decision-making doesn't turn out the way we'd like. What should you do so that you're not stuck in farming micromanagement? Employees need guidelines. There should be a clear delineation of the limits to decision-making without prior approval.


Written by johndini
3762 days ago

It's a great question, Heather. I think there may only be a state of imbalance. Either you are giving employees too much leeway, and suffering the occasional setback because of it, or you are trying to avoid the setbacks, and reining them in. The "balance" lies in determining how much of a mistake a company can afford in the name of learning.

Written by HeatherStone
3765 days ago

Hi John,

I think few business owners would call micromanagement a good thing, if you put it in those terms. The trouble is finding the balance between delegation that keeps your business strong and creates a product you can continue to be proud of and realizing that all of this does require some amount of letting go. I've left this comment here in the BizSugar community as well where Christi Brendlinger was good enough to share this post. Wonder if you or she or both could share some guidelines with our community about exactly how you go about striking this difficult balance.

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