Who likes change?
Change management is important because things keep changing.
Many people don’t like change.
Many people don’t like change because change creates uncertainty- and people don’t like being uncertain: people find it unsettling NOT knowing what will happen.
They prefer to stay in the comfort zone and simply repeat their existing habits.
Consequently many will resist change.
But if we agree that all improvements imply making changes then, many will resist making the changes that are, in fact, necessary improvements.

You must know how to win out, against those people who will keep you from changing for the better.
If you want to know HOW to win….. read on…..


Written by businessavante
4887 days ago

Very Good, Coach!

"Ahhh, yes - the old Enthalpy versus Entropy bit!"

(to put it like Maxwell Smart* on "Get Smart", '65-'70).


*played by comic Don Adams - this bit, and many others used in the show (like " 'Missed it by That much!", or "Would you believe?") were shtick from his stand-up act.

Written by businessavante
4887 days ago

p.s. I HATE change!

(Just being honest.)

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