Question: Why are some people more productive than others?

Answer: because:

1. Some people allow themselves to fall into bad work habits.
2. And other people develop and sustain good work habits.

What are the good work habits that make a significant difference to a person’s daily output of productive effort?

We call the following list of positive attributes the P-list (for obvious reasons)

The P list:

• Personal initiative
• Purpose
• Prioritisation
• Planning
• Preparation
• Perfect Practice
• Prevention

If you want to learn more please read on…..

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Written by HeatherStone
4510 days ago

Great post! Although it's a lot of advice to digest. It's a very systematic approach, however I wonder what success one might have if other variables that cannot be readily controlled are introduced into the equation, such as family obligations. Historically, men have been able to stick to such approaches because women have afforded them the time to do so. I think some career women still find such an approach difficult, because they are divided in obligation, where men usually are not.

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