What are People Management Skills?

What are People Management Skills? - http://corporatecoachgroup.com Avatar Posted by CorporateCoachG under Management
From http://corporatecoachgroup.com 3700 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on May 12, 2014 5:50 am
People management training is about perfecting your powers to get the best possible performance from others.

But you will not be able to get the best from others until you have first found ways to get the best performance from yourself.

There are six major skill sets associated with people management training. They are as follows:

1. Definite decisions
2. Clear communication
3. Proper planning
4. Conflict conciliation
5. Inspire yourself
6. Inspire others

If you need to know more about how to perfect your people management skills, please do, read on ......


Written by CorporateCoachG
3698 days ago

Thank you for letting me know about Dr. Edwin A. Locke's work I will have a read.

Written by lyceum
3698 days ago

Chris: Could you mention some companies that are exceptionally good at people management skills? Have you checked out Dr. Edwin A. Locke's work on organizational leadership?

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