What to Consider when Choosing a Supplier for your Business

What to Consider when Choosing a Supplier for your Business - http://www.noobpreneur.com Avatar Posted by previsomedia under Management
From http://www.noobpreneur.com 3274 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on July 18, 2015 4:43 pm
The different aspects you need to consider when selecting a supplier, to put your business on the right path to problem-free success.


Written by lyceum
3268 days ago

Ivan: Yes, that is right. It has been easier to track goods nowadays, but it is still a risk factor involved.

Written by lyceum
3270 days ago

Ivan: Delivery time is another word for lead-time. The time it takes for placing the order, until you have it in your warehouse. If you have a long lead-time, it is a bigger risk for things that could go wrong, and you will not have the goods in time. Theoretically it should be no difference if you have a lead-time for say 4 weeks within the same region (e.g. European Union), compared to 4 months from Asia to North America with production time and shipping, container handling, and the delivering by truck. But physiologically it could get tricky with a long planning time, from start to finish.

Written by ivanpw
3269 days ago


That is pretty much complicated. But as long as everything is trackable by the clients, that would be fine, right?

Written by lyceum
3272 days ago

Ivan: These are questions I have answered during my time as a purchaser. The key factors are: quality, price and lead-time.

Written by ivanpw
3271 days ago


Cheers :) Can you please explain a bit more about lead-time as a key factor?

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