Is your blog or website attractive? Your website design should be flawless and give a good first impression. Here are some great UX design tips that you can implement on your blog or website.

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Written by pvariel
1586 days ago

Hi Harleena,

I just failed in posting the following comment on your post, faced a problem with the captcha, two times I tried, failed, last try the third one completely lost.

Here is there comment, as these days I take a copy of it before posting or click the publish button. This this comment here.

Hi Gilchrist

Good to see you here on Harleena's space with an informative piece on Blogging and the style.

Yes those are the important areas a blog developer or the write needs to look into. The look, style, color, font size and above all the typography etc are some off the things we need to carefully look into.

Thanks for covering the areas in detail.

Keep writing. I found this post curated on an IM platform and I upvoted it and commented.



Written by harleenas
1585 days ago

Thanks for your feedback, Phil - sorry your comment went to the spam folder, so retrieved it from there :)

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