We all suffer from email overload. Between personal & business emails the average user receives over 200 emails per day! In 2015, the number of business emails sent and received per user per day totals 122 emails. This figure continues to show growth and is expected to average 126 messages sent and received per business user by the end of 2019. According to some research the average office worker spends 25% of their time responding and processing email. 30% of emails we receive are not important. So how do we deal with all of these so that we can make email more productive?

Over the last month I have been testing a brand new iOS app which I LOVE – called TIMYO. It is a FREE gmail plugin, that is also available on Apple Mail and there is an Outlook plugin coming soon. There are a number of key benefits Timyo has which are aligned with email productivity best practices. If you are a GTD (Getting Things Done) enthusiast I think you will love this too... continue reading

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