5 Social Media Marketing Tips to Boost SEO

Avatar Posted by OpenSourceMedia under Marketing
From http://www.smallbusinesscomputing.com 4124 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on June 12, 2013 9:16 pm
When it comes to online search, about 85 percent of clicks go to organic links on the search engine results. It’s more important than ever for your small business to appear on the first page of the search engine results page, whether consumers are searching for product or service keywords or for your business name.


Written by tcamba
4120 days ago

Good tips for social media SEO strategies. The number 5 tip is a huge mistake for some businesses. They do not post fresh contents to their social accounts. And that make the audience think that they are anymore active.

Thanks for sharing this post in BizSugar. Hope to see more posts coming from you.

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