Amidst the sun, sand and waves of beaches we would visit in my childhood, it would appear: a single-engine Cessna towing an advertisement banner. In the blink of an eye, the impactful message reached tens-of-thousands of eyes! The great principles and lessons of this seaside, summertime icon are available to all with no need for a Cessna, jet-fuel or banner!


Written by 9devon9
5339 days ago


I had to respond to this one which my husband, a bizsugar fanatic showed me. As a frequenter of the beaches you mentioned i have vivid memories of airplane banners. My memories though go way back to the 50's and 60's. It was and still is a wonderful form of advertising. Your piece was very clever and insightful. You were right on comparing the approach to Twitter. I look forward to seeing more of your inspiring works.


Written by alinisrael
5339 days ago

Great Biz lessons and history! Thanks for the read!

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