Are You Making Mistakes That Are Sabotaging Your Blogging Profits?

Avatar Posted by adamjayc under Marketing
From 3541 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on January 10, 2015 6:18 pm
"A select number of bloggers are making serious amounts of cash while others fail to get off the ground.

What are those successful bloggers doing that others aren’t?

…Conversion rate optimization.

The truth is that small design changes can have a huge impact on conversion rates and that means more sales.

In this post I’ll talk you through 10 of the biggest conversion killers. I’ll also show you how you can sell more of your products and services than you thought possible."


Written by lyceum
3526 days ago

Adam: Thanks! Please check it out and feel free to sign up for my newsletter! ;)

Written by lyceum
3527 days ago

Adam: Thanks for the link! I have signed up for MailChimp's entrepreneur account. I have added a sign up box on my podcast site, EGO NetCast.

Written by adamjayc
3527 days ago

No worries, Martin - great to hear!

Written by lyceum
3529 days ago

Adam: What is your experiences with this service? Have you written a blog post on it?

Written by adamjayc
3528 days ago

Not a specific post, but I mention it in a lot. E.g. -

Written by lyceum
3531 days ago

Adam: Thanks for your input and suggestions. I appreciate it very much. I look forward to our future podcast conversation.

Have you tested Lead Pages?

Written by adamjayc
3530 days ago

No worries, Martin. I've been using LeadPages for maybe 9 months or more - you'll see use of their landing pages/leadboxes on my site :)

Written by lyceum
3533 days ago


Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate it! :)

I am a divided regarding the transcripts. It takes a long time to write it down, word by word. And if you outsources it could cost plenty of money. BlogTalkRadio is charging $2 per minute, so I would pay USD $120 for 1 hour podcast interview.

Yesterday I listened to a webinar with Lead Pages and Chamber of Commerce. I received some great tips and I got inspired to look into this matter more.

Written by adamjayc
3532 days ago

No worries, I'm sure there are some better options somewhere, still may be costly.

Alternatively you could put together a set of resources for each podcast and offer that to build your list. Transcript would definitely be better.

Ultimately the key will be planning out a strategy to monetize your email list to at least cover costs, then scale up to make some profit!

Written by lyceum
3537 days ago

Adam: Thanks for sharing this post by Geoff Austin. I would like to talk with you during 2015... ;) Please check out how my podcast site is developing. I will add a support and contact page, although I already have this information and call to action button available on the front page.

Written by adamjayc
3534 days ago

No worries, Martin. Looks to be developing well. I'd recommend switching to a strong focus on building your email list - for example, James @ SuperFastBusiness offers transcripts in exchange for email addresses. Email will be key in building your audience.

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