Are you operating a business that just satisfies the customers? Are you okay with being labeled as an average business? Well, I hope not! The difficult part in all of this is when someone doesn’t know that their business is just average. A lot of times a business can revert to just doing what others do because it’s simple to just operate business at the level of competition, but what usually happens next is the famous price war. Since nobody can come up with something new and unique to give the customers more value, the thought is I’ll just keep my prices lower than others. If a business is running on this strategy then a serious wake-up call is needed! Here are few things to help you start doing business better than your competitors.


Written by m4bmarketing
5165 days ago

Good article Jason. The only thing I would perhaps disagree with is to ask your friends.Unless they understand your business, customers etc they can give you misleading information.

Written by JasonKienbaum
5165 days ago

Hi Susan,

I agree with you about seeking the advice from friends and I should have expanded on that in the article. There are some friends that I wouldn't go to for advice for running my business, but then there are others who have a great business mind and their thoughts can really help! Thanks for adding your thoughts :)


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