How Small Organizations Can Newsjack Breaking Stories & Get Noticed!

Avatar Posted by jwspeaks under Marketing
From 3526 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on February 6, 2015 1:23 pm
Today, Megan and I talk to Ken Ungar, Founder & President of U/S Sports Advisors. Ken is a "newsjacking" expert and author of the book Ahead of the Game: What Every Athlete Needs to Know About Sports Business.

Newsjacking, which Ken defines as "When a brand takes advantage of a popular story or topic and inserts itself in the news cycle," is becoming an increasingly popular tactic for companies that want to ride the wave of someone else's popularity.

But can newsjacking work for YOU?


Written by tiroberts
3523 days ago

I understand the need for companies to promote their brand at every given opportunity but I also would be interested in knowing how small businesses can stay within ethical boundaries to achieve this. Any thoughts?

Written by jwspeaks
3523 days ago

It really isn't an issue of ethics, and newsjacking can take many forms. For example, the Super Bowl that just finished and the VDay holiday right around the corner are prime opportunities for businesses to ride the news cycle.

Take the example of the convenience store chain I use in the post. With the Ice Bucket Challenge raging in the news, they saw an opportunity to help the cause with $$$ and themselves with favorable press. The vehicle? Bags of ice from, which they donated 20 cents from every bag sold.

The challenge is to follow the news and find those places where you can insert yourself effectively and appropriately. My focus is on cause-related opportunities, but it's only one example!



[email protected]

Written by lyceum
3523 days ago

How could a small business owner take advantage of a breaking story in order to get noticed, without breaking any unwritten rules? I will listen to the podcast and learn how "5 companies used the social media hype to their advantage."

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