How The EU's GDPR Leglisation Will Improve Your Marketing

Avatar Posted by KEXINO under Marketing
From 2497 days ago
Made Hot by: Digitaladvert on November 29, 2017 9:47 am
The European Union’s GDPR legislation provides perhaps the single biggest opportunity for businesses to improve their marketing performance.


Written by lyceum
2495 days ago

Gee: I am for an unregulated market, but at the same time for quality marketing! ;) What would say to all the serious small business owners with e-commerce and CRM systems? They have to invest plenty of time and money in the near future, in order to comply with red tape of GDPR.

My webmaker has a similar view as your post, and he will help me with my last website, so I will stay out of trouble! ;)

Best Premises,


Written by lyceum
2495 days ago

Gee: Personally, I think the market should take care of the situation, by themselves, without the intrusion by the bureaucrats in the EU. Do you have public sites with company information, mobile numbers, addresses, etc., in France? I think that plenty of these sites will get their act together...

Written by KEXINO
2495 days ago

Hi Martin, thanks for the comment.

My article was designed to inform about the opportunities GDPR presents to marketers. It was not meant to comment on its introduction, or as a political piece.

But since you ask… :)

From my perspective the market *was* given the opportunity to take care of the situation by themselves. But rather than implement structure and policy, they chose greed and deception. From a marketing and advertising industry point-of-view, the reach and eyeballs being promoted are total fabrication. Marc Pritchard, chief brand officer at Procter & Gamble (the world's largest advertiser) says that only 25% of his programmatic budget ever reaches the consumer. Think about that: P&G have realized they've been wasting 75% of their budget, due to believing the BS. That's scandalous.

According to the World Federation of Advertisers, within 8 years ad fraud may become the second largest source of criminal income in the world, after drug trafficking.

The only way for the digital marketing industry to survive is through regulation. Whether the cure is GDPR or something else is certainly a subject for debate. But something needs to be done - and soon. Today if you're an advertiser, adtech middlemen are taking around 70% of your media spend ( 90% of marketing executives are planning to review their programmatic contracts for next year ( I could go on and on.

This is what happens when you leave industries to police themselves. A similar thing happened with sub-prime mortgage lending in 2007 - and we all know what happened after that…

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