How to Successfully Integrate Email and Social Media

How to Successfully Integrate Email and Social Media - Avatar Posted by litmusapp under Marketing
From 2922 days ago
Made Hot by: leonesimmy on June 24, 2016 5:18 pm
Modern marketers are often in flux about which is more effective in communicating with their customers and prospects: email or social media.

But both email and social media marketers often forget that email and social are fundamentally different channels with very different strengths and weaknesses. While email is the most powerful channel for retention and driving transactions, social is great for instant, community-driven communications.

So once and for all, let’s stop arguing about what’s the better channel. This just isn’t the right question. Instead, let’s ask, “How can we use the strengths of each channel—and make them work together?”


Written by tiroberts
2919 days ago

Social media and email marketing are a great way to build stronger connections with your customers.

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