Is it possible that being good is not good enough? You might have the best thing since sliced bread but did you know that for 15 years after sliced bread was invented, nobody bought it? You build a business by spreading your message. In today's world of social sharing is it better to be bad or bizarre than boring?
Is It Better to be Bad or Bizarre than Boring? – Seth Godin on Being Remarkable
Posted by alastair under MarketingFrom 5182 days ago
Made Hot by: Entrepreneurosaurus on September 15, 2010 6:52 am
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5179 days ago
Now that I think of it, that's something else that isn't necessarily obvious to a lot of small businesses. Turning your message from another Blah, kind of me too, message to something that could excite someone (even a small group). That is something worth paying for.
5180 days ago
I could watch this video a million times and it always inspires me. Why is it so hard to market some products and services? Because NO ONE WANTS THEM. Having trouble figuring out why your business is struggling? Look at what you're offering. Does it excite you...or anyone else? The person who can spread their idea wins, but this presupposes it's the right idea.