Nicholas Carr once argued that Google is making us stupid. Googlization of Everything author Siva Vaidhyanathan goes one step further than Carr. Google, Vaidhyanathan says, is like junk food. It indulges our need for speed and convenience and thus makes us fat and lazy. As ice cream rather than spinach, therefore, Google is bad for us.

The good Dr. Vaidhyanathan doesn’t tell us to quit our Google habits. But he does advise our to “be careful.


Written by businessavante
4835 days ago

Hi "mmaydommmm".

I'd add that I only believe about 1% of what is presented as fact online compared to published books, and that's recognizing that enough charlatans have been published that books weren't exactly fool-proof sources of info, either. I equate Googling something, or Wiki'ing it, to relying on the ol' "Magic 8 Ball".


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