Marketing to Your Customer Types

Avatar Posted by macromax under Marketing
From 5867 days ago
Made Hot by: on July 4, 2008 7:48 pm
If you're like most small businesses, you are marketing to all your customer types in the same exact way. But what if I told you doing this is a very ineffective way of obtaining new customers?

The fact is that everyone comes to your business at a particular stage. Some people are just hearing about your company for the first time, others know about you but just want additional information, and some are ready and willing to buy on the spot. However, treating all these customer types the same is a drastic mistake.

By learning to market to your customer types based on the particular stage they are at, you will be able to ultimately convert more people to repeat customer status. It's not difficult to do but will require some effort on your part. Here's how it works.


Written by emd5005
5866 days ago

Great article! I wrote a similar article talking about how you should market to different customer personality types:

Enjoy, and thanks for the great article!

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