Marketing's Big Bang Theory

Avatar Posted by melanee under Marketing
From 5989 days ago
Made Hot by: on March 4, 2008 12:17 am
Marketing today is like a spectacular fireworks display. Short-lived and breathtaking. Unforgettably forgettable. All our efforts seem to be front-loaded into launching with a bang. The fireworks are mesmerizing. The sky is filled with brilliant colors, flashes of light and accompanying music to boot. A hypnotized mob "oohs" and "aahs" with appreciation. A captive audience. But as quickly as it began, it ends. The sky returns to darkness. The silence is deafening.

Sound familiar? It's your media plan, dummies. Your fleeting blobs of color suffocated in darkness.


Written by ArmadaIG
5989 days ago

This is very true. I think it's because marketers are running around without a clear concept of what works. The environment is changing too fast. Or... Are the old rules still working, but no one has the patience to stick to them?

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