Anyone who spends any time at all looking around online for search engine optimization news and information has seen a lot of buzz lately about negative SEO. What is negative SEO you ask? Negative SEO occurs when someone makes an attempt to lower a website’s rankings in the search engines. An easy way to look at negative SEO is to view it as the exact opposite of good SEO. Meaning the intent is to drive search rankings down instead of up. When someone is doing negative SEO on your site, they’re basically doing everything Google says not to do in order to make it appear as though you are violating Google’s policies. Negative SEO is a dirty tactic that is talked about quietly and one that causes much worry, making it akin to a scarey bogeyman that lurks in the dark while aiming to take your site down.

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Written by tiroberts
3515 days ago

Informative. Thanks!

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