Physical Branding is Still Necessary for Small Businesses

Physical Branding is Still Necessary for Small Businesses - Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Marketing
From 3497 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on December 13, 2014 9:01 pm
Physical branding in the form of promotional products and marketing materials are vital to your business for various reasons.


Written by lyceum
3492 days ago

Ivan: Thanks for the information. Yes, I am wearing my own tea brand right now. And soon you will be able to wear a new t-shirt brand... ;)

Written by lyceum
3494 days ago

Ivan: I often wear my own physical brands, e.g., a Lyceum cap, a GOT-Tea-Party sweater, a Blogger hoodie, a EGO NetCast t-shirt, etc.

Do you have a good deal at Memory Suppliers, as you link to them?

Written by ivanpw
3493 days ago


The best promotional method is to wear your own brand!

Memory Suppliers - not really. Just an example :)

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