How giddy are you when you see your work, your name, your picture in the printed form? Do get super excited even though you are published online a hundred times over? I do. Why is that? It's because print media still has a bit more leverage than online media that does not require you to have credentials or even know what you are talking about.
Printed Media is Still Valuable.
Posted by kurbain under MarketingFrom 5246 days ago
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5246 days ago
Very nice article. As a literary writer myself, I love appearing in print. I appear in the latest issue of The Literary Review. It has given me immense pride. At almost $10 a copy, I spent almost $400 getting copies for friends and family.
That being said, I fear that within a few years, it will be all electronic. Newspapers are going under, literary mags are changing to online versions only and of course e-books are now gaining immense popularity. Print will go the way of the dinosaurs I fear, regrettfully so.
Thanks for a thought-provoking look at the subject!
5246 days ago
Print can be viable as you mentioned. Like other media it depends on knowing what you want to achieve and if it is suitable for your customers.