As a marketer it is important to be a lifetime learner and keep up with all of the latest trends in the industry. Fortunately, the internet is filled with a plethora of resources focused on every topic imaginable (SEO, PPC, Social Media, PR, etc). However, the availability of all this information presents a challenge as there is only so much time in the day to sort through it all. To help make things easier, below is a list of the top marketing blogs to add to your reading list.


Written by globalcopywrite
5219 days ago

You've got a great list here but I could add a couple more:

David Meerman Scott's Web Ink Now

Content Marketing Institute

Savvy B2B Marketing


The Woo

Written by amabaie
5221 days ago

I read about half of these. I would also add And if I could ever get on a regular blogging schedule, I might even add my own blog. :-)

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