It’s been bothering me for a while that when it comes to online business networking, I seem to be living in two different worlds. First, there’s work; where EVERYTHING I read tells me that everyone is on Twitter - you must have an active presence there in order to network effectively, and to grow and develop your business.


Written by nialldevitt
4761 days ago

While I agree with you that Twitter should not be used by every business, I believe it's important to ensure that you are listening on there at least. As a promotional tool, I think it's limited vs. Facebook.

As a networking tool I think it's more effective than Linkedin, provided as you point out that the people you want to network with are on there. I also agree that Twitter is very time consuming, you need to spend time and I think this time needs to be invested in blocks rather than in small chunks.

Written by businessavante
4761 days ago

Hi Roisin.

You really nailed it - Twitter can do a lot if you take a lot of time & effort to learn its intricacies, then spend a lot of time (off & on) every day checking your feed.


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