What is it about certain books, movies, songs, plays and presentations that have overwhelming power to resonate deeply with us and in so doing engage our emotions and transform our behavior? The answer, I believe, is in the art of effective storytelling.
I’m on this story-based blogging journey myself. It started with a blog by Jeffrey L. Cohen that led to watching a Nancy Duarte TEDx video that in turn led to becoming totally (don’t bother me now) immersed in her new book: Resonate – Present Visual Stories That Transform Audiences. While her work on this topic is about making persuasive speaking presentations, the concepts and principles are transferrable to blogging or any other form of persuasive communications.
Use Story-Based Blogging to Engage Your Audience
Posted by seanm under MarketingFrom http://www.b2binbound.com 4829 days ago
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