The DISC personality profiling system identifies four different networking styles that people roughly fit into. We’re all a mix of the four styles, but one style usually dominates. See if you can spot which style you are...


Written by businessavante
5041 days ago

I was wondering how long it'd be till profiling made it into business blogs. I read Robert Ressler's "Whoever Fights Monsters" - he's the FBI guy who interviewed over 200 serial murderers. After the psychiatrist who profiled the "mad bomber" in the '40's, Ressler is the modern father of profiling - profiling as we now know it, though it had to be modified in a couple of areas that proved later to be wrong.


Written by nialldevitt
5041 days ago

The Relationship Builder: This person understands that networking is long term and does not happen in one sitting. While very serious about doing business, they will not rule people in or out initially but rather are prepared take some time to get to know the person and their business. One of the first things they look for is the sincerity of those around, if you are looking to build a meaningful business relationship or are just out for what you can get? The relationship builder is also open minded enough to realise that the best business relationships are partnerships and they are often experts at collaboration.

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