From Dec. 21-25, fully 44% of the news links in blogs were about health care

Avatar Posted by ShashiBellamkonda under News
From 5383 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 13, 2010 2:09 am
The continuing health care debate, and an insurgent campaign for the top of the British pop charts were at the center of social media commentary.
Both bloggers and users of Twitter closely followed the ebb and flow of the Senate's debate over health care reform last week, commenting on each step of the way.

From Dec. 21-25, fully 44% of the news links in blogs were about health care, according to the New Media Index from the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism. This attention far surpassed the previous high of 23% the week of Aug. 10-14. And while a hot topic all year for social media, this was just the third time that it ranked as the number one subject.


Written by smallbiztrends
5381 days ago

Shashi, This is really interesting -- thanks for sharing it.

But I'm having a hard time believing Pew's statistics. I'm not sure which blogs they're looking at (media blogs maybe?). But it sure wasn't the hot topic on most of the blogs I frequent. And Pew's article is written in such a way that they're obviously in favor of the healthcare reform bill. Normally I place high credibility on what Pew says, but here, I dunno know... sounds to me like they're pushing an agenda.

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