The Cost of Watching Versus Doing? $126 Billion!

The Cost of Watching Versus Doing? $126 Billion! - Avatar Posted by Sian Phillips under News
From 4005 days ago
Made Hot by: seobromino on July 12, 2013 1:24 pm
By Bob Herbold

Recently it was reported that Nokia has been discussing with both Microsoft and Huawei the option of them buying its mobile-phone business. Nokia also recently suspended the company’s dividend. It is clearly panic time at Nokia.

While they traditionally dominated the low-end cellphone market, they have been losing significant market share in that category to Chinese competitors. They have put virtually all of their energies behind their very late smartphone entry called Lumina, which has made no dent at all in the massive market shares that have been built up over the years by Samsung and Apple.


Written by lyceum
4003 days ago

They could always go back to the original business, rubber products like rubber boots.

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