The State Of Business Today With Tom Peters [podcast]

The State Of Business Today With Tom Peters [podcast] - Avatar Posted by lyceum under News
From 3567 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on October 10, 2014 10:21 am
I love Tom Peters. I've declared it before and it's true. So, this is a total fanboy moment for me. A couple of weeks ago, I decided that I wanted to up the quality of conversation on this podcast. At the same time, I realized that there are a handful of my true idols that I've always either been scared or intimidated to ask to come on the podcast with me. I decided to make a list. Tom Peters was at the top. I never thought that he would ever agree. He responded almost right away.


Written by tiroberts
3565 days ago

I think that SMB are making significant strides forward and I feel it'll get better.

Written by lyceum
3559 days ago

Ti: Could you give some concrete examples of small businesses that are moving forward?

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