If you've failed before as a blogger, or on the verge of quitting, don't be so hasty, I'm glad these 10 strategies would be of help to you.


Written by lyceum
4224 days ago

Tuan: I am "old"! ;) I have been blogging since 2002. I haven't got superstar power yet, but I have become stronger due the fact that I haven't stopped blogging.

Written by ricky86
4224 days ago

Anyways, there is no aging in blogging in my view. I know some bloggers who started when they are over 50 and they have become very famous bloggers now.

Written by lyceum
4225 days ago

Tuan: Do you see yourself as a "blogging superstar"? How long time have you been blogging?

Written by ricky86
4225 days ago

Hi Lyceum,

I have been blogging for 5 years and I am still on the journey to become a "blogging superstar". Hopefully I will reach that goal within the next 5 years before I'm too old. :)

Written by SocialBrothers
4225 days ago

"I once read from an inventor that, success is 50% failure." What a powerful quote and especially true when it comes to building your audience base through Blogging.

Great article and great tips for any blogger, regardless of where they are currently at.

Written by BizRock
4225 days ago

Great tips how to become better blogger and how to improve your blog overall!

True! If you want to be blogging superstar you always need to write for people!

Thank you for sharing this excellent tips!

Written by ricky86
4225 days ago

You are welcome,

I am trying to write 100% original content and hopefully it will attract more readers. :)

Written by tiroberts
4229 days ago

Fantastic post here, Tuan.

You've shared some really great points. I want to emphasize the importance of building an email list and ENGAGING them, not just broadcasting sales driven emails. Really get to know your subscribers and allow them to get to know you. This is how you build up a true community and a raving fan base that will buy whatever you put your stamp on.

Thanks for sharing your insights with us.


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