Opportunities abound in three areas: mobile, social media, and location-based marketing. The key to making the most of these is to be relevant to the end-consumer. Only then and by adding value (in the process) you will be able to make these channels sell.


Written by prussakov
4024 days ago

Thanks, Heather. Certainly, different products/services are sold (and pre-sold) differently. And yes, some will be more effective for B2C retail, others for B2B services, and so on... However, I do believe that opportunity exists in every one of these three channels; and all are worth exploring.

Written by HeatherStone
4024 days ago

Hi Geno,

Great overview of current digital trends not just for affiliate marketing but for all online marketing these days. I'm wondering whether you feel these trends determine the success of some products over others. (That is, will some products work better than others given these trends?) Or is it just a matter of what channels affiliate marketers are likely to find the most effective given these trends? Thanks for participating with the BizSugar community.

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