39 Engaging About Us Pages - And Why They Matter

39 Engaging About Us Pages - And Why They Matter - http://www.ucreative.com Avatar Posted by UPmarketArt under Online Marketing
From http://www.ucreative.com 3271 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on July 24, 2015 12:44 pm
If your "About Us" page doesn’t make a clear statement about your brand and what it stands for, you may have already lost a convert.


Written by LoginRadius
3266 days ago

I completely agree with you that About Us pages are often one of the most ignored parts of any site even when they play an important role for those who know nothing about you. All the examples you have included in the article are truly inspirational. I likes the one of "Less Films" the most as it is short, to the point and still covers it all.

Written by lyceum
3269 days ago

Inspiring examples of About us. I have an About.Me page instead! ;)

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