You had better get your online delivery right or 39 percent of your customers might never shop with you again and that’s according to MetaPack’s 2017 State of eCommerce Delivery Consumer Research Report.


Written by Inspiretothrive
2505 days ago

Yes and the cost of shipping amazes me, I used to have a drop ship online store years ago and I can't imagine doing it today with the likes of Amazon and Walmart. Everyone wants everything within 24 hours now.

Written by lyceum
2505 days ago

Yes, it will be a challenge for small online businesses, but they could turn it around in their favor. If it is handcrafted or a tailor-made product for a specific customer, you could have a "longer" lead-time.

Written by Inspiretothrive
2505 days ago

Wow, that is an amazing stat Martin, I know I've done that myself. It's too expensive or timely to do the return.

Written by lyceum
2505 days ago

Lisa: Yeah, it could cost the e-commerce owners an "arm and a leg," if they don't have all the ducks in a row... ;)

As a former purchaser, I understand that supply chain management has an important role in today's online business.

Written by Inspiretothrive
2505 days ago

Wow, that is an amazing stat Martin, I know I've done that myself. It's too expensive or timely to do the return.

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