It’s important to develop a link building strategy that incorporates a variety of tactics. One popular link building tactic is blog commenting. Leaving a thoughtful and insightful comment on a blog post along with a name, email address, and link is not only a great way to get an inbound link but it can also improve your company/brand visibility and establish your place as a thought leader in a particular industry. Blog commenting etiquette 101 tells you that you need to take the time to actually read the post and submit a worthwhile comment, but in order to do blog commenting well it’s recommended to follow these additional guidelines:

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Written by Sian Phillips
4532 days ago

Great post but I couldn't see how to comment on your site. Thank for sharing on though :)

Written by BizRock
4532 days ago

For me was always harder task to find active blog with common interests but leaving good comment was the second one. :)

Thank you for tips!

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