5 Tips to Bounce Back from the Business Blues

Avatar Posted by bizyolk under Online Marketing
From http://www.businesslowcost.com 3975 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on October 30, 2013 6:06 pm
Without any set schedule or anyone to report to, starting a business seems like a dream come true. You can finally live the way you always wanted to and do the things you love. However, things don’t always go the same way.

On some days, you are bound to feel that you have made the right decision. On others, you are sure to feel your choice to be a disastrous one. Whether it’s a negative comment from a client or the loss of a project, it is natural to feel low at times.


Written by grmond56
3972 days ago


This is so true. It's easy to pity yourself, especially when things go wrong. This article came at a good time for me because I had a huge set back. Over 40 of my videos on YouTube just disappeared and I can't find them. What is on the sight that is supposed to be my channel are 3 videos. That was very disheartening, but,it's easy for me to celebrate my accomplishments. I put up those videos within the last 7 months and that was a huge accomplishment.

I'm sure I'll find a solution, hopefully sooner than later.

Great post and thanks for reminding me about staying positive.

Geri Richmond

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