We all know that more than 90% of people who visit a blog simply would read and find solutions to their problems without finding time to say thank you in the comment box. But still, there are bloggers pulling over 200 comments on each of their blog post and you wonder how they achieve this.

There are basic rules these bloggers obey that in turn gives them such an amount of comment on their blogs which you have been overlooking for sometime now. If you can work on the tips i’ll be listing below, you’ll have an increase in the number of comments you get on your blog daily. Here are what to look out for increase in your blog post comments.


Written by bigmoneyweb
4083 days ago

complicated comment form sucks big time because it makes me never to visit the owner's blog next time. Thanks for sharing why not getting comments on blogs.

Written by gabuzee
4083 days ago

Hi bigmoneyweb,

i also hate complicated commenting systems especially if it deals with registration, I dont think twice before leaving such blogs.

Written by ShawnHessinger
4083 days ago

Hi Oscar,

I may be alone here, but I really feel that complicated commenting systems are a very big reason why blogs often don't get more comments. Let's face it. It takes a lot to entice a casual visitor into speaking his or her mind in the first place. If a visitor has to take too long trying to figure out how to leave a quick comment, you've lost 'em. Thanks for sharing these other important points and thanks to Joseph for sharing them with the BizSugar community.

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