Here are 9 questions you need to ask yourself before you click ‘publish.’ I’ll include concrete examples from some of the internet’s most successful bloggers so you know exactly what I’m talking about. I’ll also discuss why these questions are important, and how your answer could make the difference between a great blog post and a flop.


Written by SusanVelez
4018 days ago


I always take the time to proofread the content before I hit publish. Sometimes I don't realize that I have typos in my post till I read it again.

I like the links that you provide especially the 13 warning signs that your copy stinks.

I think as bloggers we all have to work on our writing skills. The best part is that as you continue to blog your writing skills will improve. Thanks for sharing these tips.

Written by BizRock
4027 days ago

Great article! Very useful and interesting, ask yourself these questions, be honest with yourself and you can click ‘publish.’ Thanks for this article.

Written by tcamba
4028 days ago

Typos are one of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to reading blogposts. Ugh, when I read typos, I say, sayonara.

Written by bigmoneyweb
4028 days ago

I can't agree more man, these are really the top questions to ask and answer before you hits the publish button because, they will determine if that post will be worth your efforts or not. Thanks for sharing this with the bizsugar community.


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