There are many tactics that can be used in a search engine optimization campaign to attract the attention of search engine spiders and get a website ranked prominently for specific keywords. Some of these tactics are considered to be white hat, which means that they are tactics that “play by the rules” of the search engines, and others are black hat, which means that they are spammy and can result in search engine penalties. So, why would anyone want to be “black hat” you may ask? Well, it’s because black hat tactics can still work. They might eventually lead to a search engine penalty, but the search engines won’t notice your indiscretions immediately, meaning that it could provide a boost in ranking in the interim. But really, what’s the point? The search engines will notice eventually and will penalize you for it. Don’t risk it. Instead of implementing these black hat tactics, spend some extra time implementing a white hat alternative

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Written by HeatherStone
4524 days ago

Agreed. It appears to be really tempting for some small business owners to hire some black hat SEO-sters to rise in the ranks, but this kind of artificial success is fleeting. It should be, by now, common sense to follow these simple white hat SEO practices that are in your post.

Great job!

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