Canada Day 2014 Launches our New Canuck Anti-Spam Law!

Avatar Posted by JVRudnick under Online Marketing
From 3877 days ago
Made Hot by: centrifugePR on February 12, 2014 2:14 pm
Yes, you read that right…on July 1, 2014, the new Canadian Anti-Spam Law comes into effect and that looks like a great idea…or is it?

I mean we all get spam, right? If it’s not the ‘enlarging of body parts’ to ‘solar power’ to ‘flower delivery’ to ‘cougar dating’ to ‘blood pressure solutions’ to ‘vydox for females’ to ‘anti-aging secrets’ to ‘auto protection’ to ‘insurance quotes’ — just about anything and everything else, we all get dunned with this river of spam. Why you might ask?


Written by lyceum
3873 days ago

Have a great Happy Canada Day! As an American in spirit, I will celebrate Independence Day a few days later. I think that solution to the problem is that you have to pay in order to send email messages. How about setting up a micro-payment system?

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