This is a very difficult question to answer. And if you have to ask it, says Marilyn Thompson, perhaps you're not cut out for this whole blogging thing in the first place. But then again, if you're blogging for your business, it's not just a matter of doing it as a hobby, is it? Here's what Marilyn has to say.


Written by lyceum
3908 days ago

Heather: Yes, it is a bit daunting sometimes and I will go through my different blogs and see if I can do some consolidation. I am trying to find my personalized editorial calendar. I look forward to more tips on this topic. Have you read any entry here lately?

Written by lyceum
3908 days ago

Heather: I have been struggling with the schedule of my blogging, due to the fact that I have several blogs (10+ blogs). If you don't blog every day or always on regular basis, you could do other social media activities, e.g., writing tweets.

My daily blogging tip is to create a different category / topic for every day of the week. For example:

Monday - open thread post.

Tuesday - tech post.

Wednesday - wrap-up post.

Thursday - Thor's day venting.

Friday - T.G.I.Friday post.

Saturday - blog carnival / party post.

Sunday - enlightenment / reflection on the week.

Written by HeatherStone
3908 days ago


Wow! 10+ is an impressive number. (And maybe somewhat daunting.) But it sounds as if you have a fairly organized approach to getting the job done. We may not be mainstream media, however what you're describing sounds very much like an editorial calendar to me. As long as it works, more power to you!

Written by lyceum
3909 days ago

I am serious blogger and I have been blogging since 2002, but I have a bit of a problem with this notion of how often you "should" blog. We are not mainstream media like a newspaper that has to be published every day / week / month, etc.

I do have a tip to share if you want to blog everyday... ;)

Written by HeatherStone
3908 days ago

Hi Martin,

a.) If you don't have a regular bogging schedule, how does that work for you?

b.) I think the community would probably love to hear your tip on daily blogging! :)

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