Bloggers are often faced with a bit of a dilemma. If you were to write the single greatest article of your career, would it truly matter if no one saw it?
As of 2013, approximately 128 million people were blog readers. With numbers like that, it’s astonishing that any blog could be without a loyal fan base, but it happens far more often than you’d think.
The desire to reach a broader audience is perhaps why bloggers so frequently reach out to influencers.
You need that authoritative voice telling people that they should be reading your content, that being said, how does a blogger get someone on their side enough to have that influencer promote them?


Written by bockmary7
3062 days ago

Great tips! Anyone looking for great ideas to grow their level of influence and impact should read this post, Thanks for sharing Cent.

Written by Cent
3062 days ago

Glad you think so Karen. Appreciate your comment.

Cheers, Cent

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