It’s an unfortunate reality in the SEO industry that there are numerous black hat SEO firms waiting to take advantage of unsuspecting site owners. These black hat SEO companies will promise you whatever results you want to hear in order to earn your business, and then fail to deliver. Some will just take your money and run, while others will just do minimal work that could land you in hot water with the search engines. Don’t get fooled by a black hat SEO firm!

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Written by businessavante
4682 days ago

Hi Nick.

It's a shame the Black Hatters drag down a profession that Could be all above board (were it not for the dark side of human nature). Over the years I've noticed that anyone who "has angles" and thinks "they're smart & we're all dumb" are just con-men. Their aberrant thinking is in fact, the result of a criminally directed brain. Working a 2nd shift hotel desk, I experienced some dim-witted con men & women - the faster they talk, the more they lie, but 1st, they're you're instant best buddy. It was actually amusing sometimes - pathetic, others.


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