Press releases are typically developed by the public relations team to get the word out about anything newsworthy, however if crafted the right way, a press release can also provide SEO benefits as well. In order to build links pointing back to a website that will improve search engine trust over time it’s necessary to create and publish content, like press releases, on other web properties. Of course, a press release should never be created solely for SEO purposes. A press release that doesn’t have any newsworthy information will never get picked up and is only a waste of time and money. However, if something newsworthy is going on, you might as well use it to your SEO advantage right? Here are 5 important press release for SEO steps:

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Written by BizRock
4502 days ago

This is just one of the ways how we can use free social media sites or even payed press release. Thank you for these tips and sharing here at BizSugar!

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