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Are you wasting time and money to perform useless SEO parlor tricks that have little-to-no effect on the bottom line.

With the latest brouhaha over PageRank sculpting, the boondoggle nature of many techniques that pass for SEO has become clearer than ever.

It's no wonder that many outside of the industry think SEO equals “voodoo” or “black magic” or worse, spam.

A lot of SEO is just that.

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Written by ShawnHessinger
5613 days ago

There's definitely something to SEO but most of it is fairly simple to learn. Making the site easy to search and being sure it has keywords that attract visitors interested in what the site is actually about is the key. That and linking to other resources and related sites will serve you well in traffic building. There's not much more to say. There are few tricks and no black magic I'm aware of that really works. Just transparency and truth in advertising.

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