Is There a Science to Creating More Viral Content?

Is There a Science to Creating More Viral Content? - Avatar Posted by Squawk Media under Online Marketing
From 3911 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on October 24, 2013 5:06 pm
No, you can't guarantee your content will go viral, says Brian Horwitz of Online Visibility Pros. But he argues there are certainly things to do to improve your odds. Horwitz shares six things that can improve your marketing reach. Does your content have any or all of these qualities? It should, says Horwitz. Take a minute to look over these tips to improve the viral reach of your content.


Written by tiroberts
3907 days ago

Really interesting piece. I think that there is a science to creating viral content, but there's also viral content that's created by accident. I think it can sometimes be more difficult to intentionally create viral content because you might be thinking about it too hard. Anywho, thanks for sharing your insights with us.

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