SEO: Content is King! Context is the Key to the Kingdom!

SEO: Content is King! Context is the Key to the Kingdom!  - Avatar Posted by jonmikelbailey under Online Marketing
From 4191 days ago
Made Hot by: justretweet on January 22, 2013 5:43 am
When developing an SEO strategy there is much more to consider now than just the content of your site and the keywords within that content. You need to map out the user intent. What does your target audience want from you?

When developing your website and a content strategy to go with it, take your keyword strategy further. Keyword lists are still useful, but, consider the context of the search along with the words used in that search.


Written by lyceum
4185 days ago

Jon-Mikel Bailey: Gary Vaynerchuk is saying that context is the queen! She is probably holding the key to the kingdom... ;) I feel sometime that the whole talk about SEO is getting a bit overwhelming. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this topic.

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