Operating a blog is a great way to market your business online. It’s a way to share your knowledge with current and potential customers and clients in an informal way to gain their trust over time. In addition, blogging can be very beneficial to an SEO program as long as you are doing it correctly. If you are spending the time necessary to write up great posts, you might as well get some SEO benefit too right? The search engines love content and reward websites that are publishing quality content on a regular basis. Each new post that goes live is an additional opportunity for a web page to appear on the SERP (search engine results page).


Written by bigmoneyweb
4333 days ago

Well written nick. Not many bloggers think about SEO when they first start out. It is, and quite rightly so, all about the content. Blogs are outlets for thoughts, feelings, knowledge, and networking. However using your brilliant tip would be quite handy. Thanks for sharing.

Written by BizRock
4333 days ago

This are great basic SEO tips for bloggers! Adding links, editing the URL-s is really important if you want to optimize your blog for search engines.

Thank you for sharing!

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