If you’ve been thinking about using content marketing, but haven’t quite gotten to it or if you're not quite sure about jumping into content marketing and need some additional insight, "The Beginner’s Guide to Content Marketing for Small Businesses" is a great first step that will get you going in the right direction.


Written by tiroberts
3654 days ago

A very informative guide you've compiled here. If you had to narrow it down to just two methods to focus on when content marketing, which choose methods would you choose and why?

Written by MattMansfield
3653 days ago

Thanks Ti!

As to your question: that's something each business needs to ask itself. What works the best for one may not work the best for others. In addition, some types of content are easier to create than others unless the skills to do so (e.g. infographics) exist within your company. Lastly, some businesses may wish to dive in deep and some want to dip their toes, both of which are valid options in the marketing world.

So my answer is, it depends. :)


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