Most of what I’m going to share with you in this post, will benefit those of you who are using AWeber as your email service provider.


Written by tiroberts
3412 days ago

Insightful writeup with useful tips for post optimization. Thanks!

Written by Ileane
3862 days ago

Thanks for submitting the post Ti! And for the comment.

Written by tiroberts
3862 days ago

Hi +Ileane Smith, what an awesome post and tutorial!

This post was right up my alley because I've been thinking about beginning to run split tests from my +AWeber account, but I didn't know how to set it up. I love how I can always count on your posts to teach me something new.

Thanks again and I'll see you around! :)


P.S. I LOVE your new design too Ileane, BTW. Really nice. Welcome to the Genesis family! :)

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