Sigh. And I mean just that….sigh. What are we going to do now, Canuck startups?

The US Senate, as nicely as you please, just passed today, the new JoBS Act, and guess what startups -crowdfunding is now LEGAL in the US.

You heard me. It’ legal. Sure, there’s a few i’s to dot and a couple of t’s to cross…but in fact, if you have a startup and you want to be funded via a crowdfunding website – it’s legal.

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Written by HeatherStone
4572 days ago

I can understand your sigh. This is a great step for startups. But I'm optimistic for the Canucks. This legislation may just force Canada to pass something similar, which would definitely be in its own best interest. And I hear you guys have a great tech center, among other budding areas, so I wouldn't sigh too deeply. I've been to Canada--it's an interesting place.

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