What Our Pets Teach Us About Marketing Relationships

Avatar Posted by aweber under Online Marketing
From http://www.aweber.com 4356 days ago
Made Hot by: cherry93 on October 25, 2012 2:23 am
Animals, especially pets, have a big job. They’re often used in marketing to attract attention, they provide tips on how to do email marketing and they’re our companions. These pets of ours can also teach us about relationships, and more specifically, the relationships we develop with our audience. Some of our AWeber pets volunteered to pass on their wisdom to our readers…


Written by howtogetridoffleasez
4121 days ago

I always love pet analogies.

Written by lyceum
4355 days ago

I think that Mark Anderson of Andertoons should create a cartoon for this blog post and Aweber! :)

Written by bigmoneyweb
4355 days ago

Very interesting post!, though I have never had a pet before and this post would make me need to get one then I will try to learn how to communicate with him. Thanks for sharing

Written by HeatherStone
4355 days ago

Hi Crystal,

Thanks so much for sharing this creative post with the BizSugar community. I think pets are something we can all relate to and using this as a way to think about marketing is a great idea. I've enjoyed the comments both on your blog and on BizSugar and am happy to have you as a contributor.

Written by Brankica
4355 days ago

I love this post because my two dogs are my life :) Now I have to figure out how to relate them to marketing considering the female is in heat now and the boy just got neutered... I am going to put my thinking cap on and find some comparison :)

Written by tiroberts
4356 days ago

This is a wonderful article Crystal! I especially love that you've used our pets as examples to show us how to treat our list. I must admit, I haven't always treated my list with the proper respect that they deserved; however, recently I've had a full awakening and I'be made a complete 180.

Email marketing is all about building relationships and trust. The way I write my emails now is the same way I would if I were talking to an old friend. My list is very responsive to this approach and I'm thoroughly enjoying interacting with them. People do business with people they know, like and trust. And by treating your subscribers like a circle of best friends you'll definitely continue to thrive.

Thanks for sharing this awesome post on BizSugar.com. I appreciate it!


Written by ShawnHessinger
4356 days ago

Hi Crystal,

I once had a cat that would bite me in the leg when she wanted me to turn the lights out so she could go to sleep. Maybe the lesson there is something about paying attention to your customers…but hopefully before they bite.

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